• An Autobiography by L. E. Hudec from 1941

    In 1941 L.E. Hudec applied for membership in the Order of Vitez to the Hungarian Governor. He attached to his petition a detailed autobiography and some other documents. The original petition has been found and in his autbiography he explains the reasons why he could get back his Hungarian citizenship as late as 1939.

    Hudec_Autobio_1941_Eng_short.pdf78.25 KB
  • Letters written by L.E. Hudec about WWII

    His writings include his concerns about how his family survived the seige of Budapest, and he also writes about how he and his family lived through WWII in Shanghai. These letters often refer to his role as Hungarian Consul during WWII, and include other letters/testimonials from Holocaust survivors who write that Hudec helped them from having to live in Shanghai's Jewish ghetto.

    1945_WWII_aftermath_Eng.pdf1.25 MB
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